Vessel Owner: Ken & Ginny Colburn
Crew includes: Ken & Ginny Colburn, Tim Fetsch (captain), Jack & Dru Slattery,
Vessel Designer: Nathanael G. Herreshoff
Vessel Model: NY 40
Vessel Builder Herreshoff Manufacturing Company
Vessel Type: Marconi Sloop (alternatively can be rigged as a gaff cutter)l
LOA: 58' 6"
LWL: 40'
Beam: 14' 6"
Draft: 8' 2"
Marilee is one of only 4 NY 40s still sailing. The “fighting forties” are considered one of the most iconic and successful classic yachts ever built. Under the stewardship of her former owner and her captain at the time, Dennis Gunderson (currently 12M Gleam's captain and with Bristol Marine's operations on Boothbay penninsula) Marilee was restored and brought back to her original sailing configuration through an extensive restoration at French & Webb from 2015 to 2017. She is also uniquely “two boats in one” as she can be rigged as a gaff or a sloop true to Nat Herreschoff’s original designs.
Marilee races extensively in the northeast during the summer on the Classic Yacht Owners racing circuit. After winning the Classic Yacht Owners Challenge Series in the Vintage class overall and for the Maine district in 2021, and finishing first in the NYYC Annual Regatta in Classics 1 to start this season, her owners are happy to have her with them in Ebenecook Harbor where they have a summer home and racing here in the Shipyard Cup Classics Challenge (which they won in 2021)