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Watch the Parade of Sail in the inner Harbor on Sunday, July 21st, 2024 starting at 10:00 a.m.
Please enjoy the 2023 parade participants listed below until the 2024 lineup is confirmed.

Bernadette (Leading the Parade of Sail)
Vessel Owner: John Kent Cooke Crew includes: Tony McKissick(captain) Guests Include: Nathaniel (Nat) S. Wilson (Honorary Grand...

Sasanoa (Race Commitee)
Vessel Owner: Chet and Evelyn Shuman Crew includes: Chet Shuman, Mike Rowan, Liz Rettenmaier, Hank Stuart Year...

Jim Williams' Foxy is fast and sleek, She is a CW Hood 32 daysailor that is light and nimble while maintaining her distinctive pedigree.

Vessel Name: Inflection Point Vessel Owner: Patrick Mailloux Captain and Crew Names: Patrick Mailloux, Kristen Mailloux, Bip Nixon, Alden...

Mehitabel Wing
Vessel Owner: MORE INFO COMING SOON Crew: Vessel Designer: Vessel Model: Vessel Builder: Vessel Type: LOA: LWL: Beam: Draft:

Orange Whip
Vessel Owner: Doug Weisz Crew: Carter White, Matt Parker, Eliza Price, Sam Scribner, Shelly Paules, Christopher LaCasse, Sarah...

Phoenix is an IMX 40 owned by Sean Dunfry. The Danish-built IMX 40 is is a high performance cruiser racer and the fourth, Niels...

Vessel Owner: MORE INFO COMING SOON Crew: Vessel Designer: Vessel Model: Vessel Builder: Vessel Type: LOA: LWL: Beam: Draft:

Vessel Owner: MORE INFO COMING SOON Crew: Vessel Designer: Vessel Model: Vessel Builder: Vessel Type: LOA: LWL: Beam: Draft:

Vessel Owner: Bob Kellogg Captain and Crew: Bob & Sue Kellogg, Geoff Emanuel, Jon & Tom Hussey Vessel Designer: Bruce Farr Vessel...

Owned by John Slingerland, Avocet is an Oyster 41 designed by Stephen Jones and built by Landamores Yacht Builders and Oyster Marine...

Vessel Owner: Peter Forte Captain and Crew: Starr Tofil, Bernie Coyne, Lynn Squire, Tory Teuteman, Susan Cox, Ingrid Beattie...

Meme Chum
Vessel Owner: Jeff Hamilton Captain and Crew: Jeff Hamilton, Shawn Savasuk Vessel Designer: J Boats Vessel Model: J/46 Sloop...

Sun and Steve Anderson's Shadow is a Dehler 38. She is a competitive racer/cruiser in the Gulf of Maine racing circuit. .

Bijou II
Vessel Owner: Chris Bouzaid Captain and Crew: Chris Bouzaid, Jim Porter, Col Anderson (Australia) Geoff Prior Vessel Designer: ...

Vessel Owner: Peter Kellogg Captain and Crew: Kyle Dufur and Max Petrushonis Vessel Make: Sparkman & Stephens Vessel Model: 1938...

GLEAM - #US-11
Vessel Owner: Andy Tyska (Regatta Sponsor Bristol Marine) Captain and Crew: Andy Tyska, Dennis Gunderson, Ross Branch Vessel...

Marilee - #NYYC 13
Vessel Owner: Ken & Ginny Colburn Crew includes: Ken & Ginny Colburn, Tim Fetsch (captain), Jack & Dru Slattery, Vessel...

Vessel Owner: Peter Gallant Captain and Crew: Peter, Walter, Vince, Geoff, Lenny , Emmet, Rob Vessel Designer and Make: R.O....

Vessel Owner: Todd Lalumiere Captain and Crew: Todd, Matt, Charlie, Emily, Regan, Chris, Peggy, Ehren, Mitch, Max, Tom, Lisa...

Mumtaz - Boothbay Harbor One Design - #52 - (One of 6 racing)
Vessel Owner: and Nate Cagle (BHOD Association President). Captain and Crew: Nate Cagle and Rick Mitterling Vessel Designer: Geerd...

Widespread Panic-VIPER CLASS

GHO2T - J/80 One Design - #1534
Vessel Owner: Ken & Ginny Colburn Captain and Crew: Carter White (Quantum Sails), Molly White Vessel Designer: Rod Johnstone Vessel...

Vessel Owner: Craig and Madeline Yale Preston Vessel Designer: Rod Johnstone Vessel Model: J/80 Builder: J/boats Vessel Type:...

Vessel Owner: Michael & Sherry Vocaturo Vessel Model: Vagabond 42 Vessel Builder: Blue Water Yacht Builders LLC Vessel Type:...

Vessel Name: Amie de la Mer Vessel Owner: Bill & Barbara Burgess Captain and Crew : Bill Burgess, Russ Hoffman, Drew Burgess, Will...

Vessel Owner: Len Thibodeau and Chris Aubin Captain and Crew: Len, Chris, Dan, Jean, Dave, and Kathy Vessel Make/Model: C&C 40...

Vessel Owner: Neil Weinstein Captain and Crew: Melinda Torrens Vessel Make/Model: Ericson 38 Vessel Designer: Bruce King Vessel...

DETAILS COMING SOON Vessel Owner: Captain and Crew: Vessel Designer: Vessel Model: Alerion 28 Vessel Type: Year Built: LOA: 28' Beam:...

Vessel Owner: Brian Johnson Crew: Brian Johnson, Adrienne Mally, Henry Clews, Neddie Clews, Townsend Morey Vessel Designer:...

Vessel Owner: Stott Carlton Captain and Crew: Molly Carlton, Charley Carlton, Voit Stevenson, Cyrus Blake, Holden Langenhagen, &...

Vessel Owner: James Emery Crew: James Emery, Rachel Emery, Doug Greason Vessel Make/Model: Buzzards Bay 25 Vessel Designer:...

DETAILS COMING SOON Vessel Owner: Paul Koch Captain and Crew: Paul Koch, Larry Higgins Vessel Designer: BB Crowninshield Vessel Model:...

DETAILS COMING SOON Vessel Owner: Captain and Crew: Vessel Designer: Vessel Model: Vessel Type: Year Built: LOA: Beam: Draft:

Vessel Name: Lion's Whelp Vessel Owner: Phineas Sprague Captain and Crew Names: Vessel Designer and Make: John Alden Co. Vessel Model &...

Vessel Owner: Tom Ashton Crew: Sarah Zucker, Henry Weese Vessel Designer: Ray Hunt Vessel Model: Concordia Yawl Vessel...

Vessel Owner: Lars and Peter Forsberg Vessel Designer: John G. Alden Builder: Hodgdon Vessel Type: Schooner Year Built: 1934...
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